Source code for urdfpy.utils

"""Utilities for URDF parsing.
import os

from lxml import etree as ET
import numpy as np
import trimesh

[docs]def rpy_to_matrix(coords): """Convert roll-pitch-yaw coordinates to a 3x3 homogenous rotation matrix. The roll-pitch-yaw axes in a typical URDF are defined as a rotation of ``r`` radians around the x-axis followed by a rotation of ``p`` radians around the y-axis followed by a rotation of ``y`` radians around the z-axis. These are the Z1-Y2-X3 Tait-Bryan angles. See Wikipedia_ for more information. .. _Wikipedia: Parameters ---------- coords : (3,) float The roll-pitch-yaw coordinates in order (x-rot, y-rot, z-rot). Returns ------- R : (3,3) float The corresponding homogenous 3x3 rotation matrix. """ coords = np.asanyarray(coords) c3, c2, c1 = np.cos(coords) s3, s2, s1 = np.sin(coords) return np.array([ [c1 * c2, (c1 * s2 * s3) - (c3 * s1), (s1 * s3) + (c1 * c3 * s2)], [c2 * s1, (c1 * c3) + (s1 * s2 * s3), (c3 * s1 * s2) - (c1 * s3)], [-s2, c2 * s3, c2 * c3] ])
[docs]def matrix_to_rpy(R, solution=1): """Convert a 3x3 transform matrix to roll-pitch-yaw coordinates. The roll-pitchRyaw axes in a typical URDF are defined as a rotation of ``r`` radians around the x-axis followed by a rotation of ``p`` radians around the y-axis followed by a rotation of ``y`` radians around the z-axis. These are the Z1-Y2-X3 Tait-Bryan angles. See Wikipedia_ for more information. .. _Wikipedia: There are typically two possible roll-pitch-yaw coordinates that could have created a given rotation matrix. Specify ``solution=1`` for the first one and ``solution=2`` for the second one. Parameters ---------- R : (3,3) float A 3x3 homogenous rotation matrix. solution : int Either 1 or 2, indicating which solution to return. Returns ------- coords : (3,) float The roll-pitch-yaw coordinates in order (x-rot, y-rot, z-rot). """ R = np.asanyarray(R) r = 0.0 p = 0.0 y = 0.0 if np.abs(R[2,0]) >= 1.0 - 1e-12: y = 0.0 if R[2,0] < 0: p = np.pi / 2 r = np.arctan2(R[0,1], R[0,2]) else: p = -np.pi / 2 r = np.arctan2(-R[0,1], -R[0,2]) else: if solution == 1: p = -np.arcsin(R[2,0]) else: p = np.pi + np.arcsin(R[2,0]) r = np.arctan2(R[2,1] / np.cos(p), R[2,2] / np.cos(p)) y = np.arctan2(R[1,0] / np.cos(p), R[0,0] / np.cos(p)) return np.array([r, p, y])
[docs]def matrix_to_xyz_rpy(matrix): """Convert a 4x4 homogenous matrix to xyzrpy coordinates. Parameters ---------- matrix : (4,4) float The homogenous transform matrix. Returns ------- xyz_rpy : (6,) float The xyz_rpy vector. """ xyz = matrix[:3,3] rpy = matrix_to_rpy(matrix[:3,:3]) return np.hstack((xyz, rpy))
[docs]def xyz_rpy_to_matrix(xyz_rpy): """Convert xyz_rpy coordinates to a 4x4 homogenous matrix. Parameters ---------- xyz_rpy : (6,) float The xyz_rpy vector. Returns ------- matrix : (4,4) float The homogenous transform matrix. """ matrix = np.eye(4) matrix[:3,3] = xyz_rpy[:3] matrix[:3,:3] = rpy_to_matrix(xyz_rpy[3:]) return matrix
def parse_origin(node): """Find the ``origin`` subelement of an XML node and convert it into a 4x4 homogenous transformation matrix. Parameters ---------- node : :class`lxml.etree.Element` An XML node which (optionally) has a child node with the ``origin`` tag. Returns ------- matrix : (4,4) float The 4x4 homogneous transform matrix that corresponds to this node's ``origin`` child. Defaults to the identity matrix if no ``origin`` child was found. """ matrix = np.eye(4) origin_node = node.find('origin') if origin_node is not None: if 'xyz' in origin_node.attrib: matrix[:3,3] = np.fromstring(origin_node.attrib['xyz'], sep=' ') if 'rpy' in origin_node.attrib: rpy = np.fromstring(origin_node.attrib['rpy'], sep=' ') matrix[:3,:3] = rpy_to_matrix(rpy) return matrix def unparse_origin(matrix): """Turn a 4x4 homogenous matrix into an ``origin`` XML node. Parameters ---------- matrix : (4,4) float The 4x4 homogneous transform matrix to convert into an ``origin`` XML node. Returns ------- node : :class`lxml.etree.Element` An XML node whose tag is ``origin``. The node has two attributes: - ``xyz`` - A string with three space-delimited floats representing the translation of the origin. - ``rpy`` - A string with three space-delimited floats representing the rotation of the origin. """ node = ET.Element('origin') node.attrib['xyz'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*matrix[:3,3]) node.attrib['rpy'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*matrix_to_rpy(matrix[:3,:3])) return node def get_filename(base_path, file_path, makedirs=False): """Formats a file path correctly for URDF loading. Parameters ---------- base_path : str The base path to the URDF's folder. file_path : str The path to the file. makedirs : bool, optional If ``True``, the directories leading to the file will be created if needed. Returns ------- resolved : str The resolved filepath -- just the normal ``file_path`` if it was an absolute path, otherwise that path joined to ``base_path``. """ fn = file_path if not os.path.isabs(file_path): fn = os.path.join(base_path, file_path) if makedirs: d, _ = os.path.split(fn) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) return fn def load_meshes(filename): """Loads triangular meshes from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the mesh file. Returns ------- meshes : list of :class:`~trimesh.base.Trimesh` The meshes loaded from the file. """ meshes = trimesh.load(filename) # If we got a scene, dump the meshes if isinstance(meshes, trimesh.Scene): meshes = list(meshes.dump()) meshes = [g for g in meshes if isinstance(g, trimesh.Trimesh)] if isinstance(meshes, (list, tuple, set)): meshes = list(meshes) if len(meshes) == 0: raise ValueError('At least one mesh must be pmeshesent in file') for r in meshes: if not isinstance(r, trimesh.Trimesh): raise TypeError('Could not load meshes from file') elif isinstance(meshes, trimesh.Trimesh): meshes = [meshes] else: raise ValueError('Unable to load mesh from file') return meshes def configure_origin(value): """Convert a value into a 4x4 transform matrix. Parameters ---------- value : None, (6,) float, or (4,4) float The value to turn into the matrix. If (6,), interpreted as xyzrpy coordinates. Returns ------- matrix : (4,4) float or None The created matrix. """ if value is None: value = np.eye(4) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): value = np.asanyarray(value).astype(np.float) if value.shape == (6,): value = xyz_rpy_to_matrix(value) elif value.shape != (4,4): raise ValueError('Origin must be specified as a 4x4 ' 'homogenous transformation matrix') else: raise TypeError('Invalid type for origin, expect 4x4 matrix') return value