API Reference


rpy_to_matrix(coords) Convert roll-pitch-yaw coordinates to a 3x3 homogenous rotation matrix.
matrix_to_rpy(R[, solution]) Convert a 3x3 transform matrix to roll-pitch-yaw coordinates.
xyz_rpy_to_matrix(xyz_rpy) Convert xyz_rpy coordinates to a 4x4 homogenous matrix.
matrix_to_xyz_rpy(matrix) Convert a 4x4 homogenous matrix to xyzrpy coordinates.


URDFType() Abstract base class for all URDF types.
Box(size) A rectangular prism whose center is at the local origin.
Cylinder(radius, length) A cylinder whose center is at the local origin.
Sphere(radius) A sphere whose center is at the local origin.
Mesh(filename[, scale, meshes]) A triangular mesh object.
Geometry([box, cylinder, sphere, mesh]) A wrapper for all geometry types.
Texture(filename[, image]) An image-based texture.
Material(name[, color, texture]) A material for some geometry.
Collision(name, origin, geometry) Collision properties of a link.
Visual(geometry[, name, origin, material]) Visual properties of a link.
Inertial(mass, inertia[, origin]) The inertial properties of a link.
JointCalibration([rising, falling]) The reference positions of the joint.
JointDynamics(damping, friction) The dynamic properties of the joint.
JointLimit(effort, velocity[, lower, upper]) The limits of the joint.
JointMimic(joint[, multiplier, offset]) A mimicry tag for a joint, which forces its configuration to mimic another joint’s.
SafetyController(k_velocity[, k_position, …]) A controller for joint movement safety.
Actuator(name[, mechanicalReduction, …]) An actuator.
TransmissionJoint(name, hardwareInterfaces) A transmission joint specification.
Transmission(name, trans_type[, joints, …]) An element that describes the relationship between an actuator and a joint.
Joint(name, joint_type, parent, child[, …]) A connection between two links.
Link(name, inertial, visuals, collisions) A link of a rigid object.
URDF(name, links[, joints, transmissions, …]) The top-level URDF specification.